it's your stage

Christopher Hopkins
I've always believed that women become more beautiful as they age. But it's sad to see that many of them start feeling invisible, disregarded, unappreciated, and unheard as they grow older. That's where I come in! For more than three decades, I have been on a mission to change this perception and make sure every woman out there feels seen, heard, and valued, no matter what her age.

The Studio
MAKEOVERGUY is a unique studio that was established in 2017. It is the first and only studio of its kind in the world, and it focuses exclusively on online content and makeover services. We understand the importance of embracing new stages in life and the impact that can have. Our aim is to inspire, entertain, and inform our clients with our online content and services.

Shocked at her makeover. A spitfire and really good energy.

She was so pretty we had to go outside for more photos.

Shocked at her makeover. A spitfire and really good energy.

Joann Hopkins
Wardrobe Woman

Kayla Francis
Makeover Artist

Christopher Hopkins Producer Director

Robert Lindquist
Assistant Director

Jamie Hamilton
Makeover Artist

The Show
At MAKEOVERGUY, we specialize in creating inspiring online content that showcases the art of transformation. Our makeover videos, how-to's, and entertaining short and long-form content aim to inspire viewers to embrace their inner beauty and celebrate their unique individuality. With our extensive experience in the industry, we have honed our skills to create informative, engaging, and entertaining content that resonates with our audience.